Friday, May 20, 2005

My baby is all grown up.

Ok my oldest is all grown up. She graduates tommorrow. I almost missed it too. I barely was able to catch a ride from my mother and her husband to go make the graduation. Ill be posting (maybe with pics [crossing fingers]) and I havent seen my kids in a long time. Im really looking forward to this visit. So enough of this I have to finish packing and gettting ready before my ride shows up. But I wanted to get this up before I left.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

(Censored) idiots

Ok so I was surfin the blogs on and I came across this:

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Abolishing America - one immigrant at a time
Abolishing America: Prophet and Loss
James Fulford,

"The problem is that Islam has very different moral standards from those practiced in America, and those standards haven’t changed at all. Whatever Christianity and Judaism may have been in the past, they’ve modernized, civilized, and liberalized to the point where we don’t stone people to death (but Muslims do, because it’s traditional), we don’t own slaves (but Muslims do, because it’s traditional), we don’t beat our wives (but Muslims do, because it’s traditional), et cetera.

In recent years millions of Muslims have moved to America, England, and Western Europe, bringing their religion and their customs with them."

Perhaps our greatest stupidity as a nation lies in our failure to recognize that not every person, or cultural group, is compatible with or healthy for our future. We fret endlessly about Africanized bees and all other sorts of invasive plant and animal pests that can and do harm us, but we get all conflicted about having the same kinds of concerns about importing PEOPLE who may harm us in both the short and long term.

What's up with that?

posted by Katie's Dad at 10:52 PM

I responded thusly:

Ill tell you whats up with that. People are not pests, animals, lower life forms. The political RIGHT would like to assume that ALL of america is nothing but sheep and numbers. I refuse to take this stance. America was created BY and FOR immigrants. If we begin to treat PEOPLE like (censored) animals/pests/irritants then we will be no better than that of Orwelian prophecy! Whats amatter you scarre some (censored) immigrant(animal) might be smarter than you and take your job? Do you fear that the Almighty God might be offended at the thought of blending races? When babylon fell He didnt seperate the people into races, he seperated the tribes. There is no race but the human race and as long as idiots like you spread the poison of ignorance and intolerance the longer we truely stay in the dark ages.

Now WTF is wrong with this guy. America is already hated by more of the world population than is healthy for any US citizen. Do we really want to be a country scared of immigrants? Do we REALLY believe that the (censored) 'governing powers that be' have all the answers? ME not a chance. The world of intolerance and ignorance is now a dark shadow of the past I hope. And whenever it isnt that way I will rant and rave and stir up as much (censored) as I can before 'they' shut me down. I refuse to be a dumb (censored) lemming that follows orders without hesitation and without thinking of the consequences the norm is totally (censored) up. People want to call me a (censored) freak. (censored) THEM I wont stand by silently while we turn America into the Russia we made fun of when I was a child. Did you know that there are 2 bills up for vote. BOTH of which stem from pure Orwelian thinking. The first is an extension of the patriot act. Isnt that name refreshing? I mean the word Patriot inspires thoughts of standing up for freedom and defending against cruelty. When in fact the patriot act stands for the exact opposite of its definition. It requires that we as U.S. citizens get ourselves a (censored) Federal ID(walking papers????)
Federal ID
This will require that first you go to the DMV of your state, drop off your info then leave with nothing. Then in a few weeks or a month you return and pick up your Federal ID. States will have 3 yrs to comply if the state does not comply then the citizens of that state that dont have Federal IDs will not be able to fly, take a train, a bus, or travel out of country. Hopefully the beginging numbers wont be 666 but hey I wouldnt be shocked. The second bill is a requirement to report any drug activity to the authorities within 24 hrs of 'knowing' about it failure to do so will result in a mininmum 2 yr sentance.
Check this out:
New Drug Laws

Am I paranoid??????????????????????????

Monday, May 16, 2005

Eye Candy

So I thought that after that depressing sorry ass post that I would share some genuine happiness and joy (not to mention I just figured it out) So I posted some of my original artwork. For ALL the WORLD to see, ok so maybe just 1 or 2 people will ever know about this site and yet again no one will relish my artistic superiority .... er um I mean no one will ever have a good gander at my 'art' heh

Do U C a dog? Posted by Hello

Splashdown!! Posted by Hello

Chess anyone? Posted by Hello

Bleh bleh bleh

Ok today was absolutely worthless. Not only did I get nothing accomplished but I also found out that I have forgotten even MORE stuff. So now I have to relearn some coding that I had no idea that I even had known to begin with. Also I d/ld picasa from google, will be checking out Hello in a little bit tonight. Maybe even get around to adding some fru fru to this blog. I dont know what I really want out of a blog or site. Im a graphic artist/ web application developer but the stuff Im developing is propriatery(sp?) in other words it aint mine. I guess I could offer my services as a stand alone type gig, but really im in this other thing with a friend and it would be undercutting his gig which would in turn be undercutting myself. So what to do what to do...... I just dont know . I could try to offer my art for sale but I dont think that would draw that big of an audience. So anyway I just had to vent somewhere . And Im sure Ill be back with some witty blahbady blah blah bleh later maybe even tonight until then

you will be comming back cause it works...................

Oh yeah Im supposed to be working on a documentation presentation for the end users of our product, and I gotta tell ya. When I get done with work ( at least for the moment) I am dog ass tired and dont really (censored) feel like typing out the how tos and the FAQS but hey I was just bitchin bout that in yesterdays post.

Day 1

Ok so now this is my 3rd or 4th attempt aside from my site at I dont really know what I want a blog for. Its not like Im famous or even a popular person. Noone will come to read my rants and or articles. This will probably wind up being tied in to my other site via controldock. One of these days Im going to have a tech support site that covers just about every aspect of personal computing. I have started on that project several times, but it is amazing how many people that I know that are rather well informed about computers but are not willing to sit down and take the time to type up a how to or come up with questions for FAQs. Well its terribly late and I gotta get up and get to work on a couple of sites in the morning but now that this site is up Ill prolly end up swapping info back and forth from my other site to this site and vice versa.