Within hours of the tsunami tragedy that struck Asia in the last days of 2004, Family Care Foundation (FCF) responded with immediate assistance for victims in India, Thailand and Indonesia.
Ok so they did something decent once. Oh and for a foreign country, thats beautiful. Its day 5 of post-landfall for Katrina, where are these people? They are braging about getting aid to a country that is half way around the world, and they did it in HOURS! Did I mention this is day 5? People are dying from dehydration and infection on US soil! I find this disgusting and horrifying. How can we as a country take 5 days to respond to our own friggin people?
I have a few ideas about that. One maybe the rest of the country really just doesnt care much about helping out the hicks in MS, LA, AL. If thats the case we are truely living in very very sad days. Another lil nugget of thought, what if we were not spending billions of dollars fighting a war and start spending money on helping out the citizens of this country that are truely in danger. But who am I? Appearantly not the guy in charge that feels that its better to destroy another country so we can have something to rebuild since our ecconomy is about to take the big sleep.
There are people falling out dead, yes dead, in the streets of New Orleans. They say war is good for the ecconomy, I always figured that is it was good for the ecconomy via population control. Less people, more money. Is this disaster just an added bonus to the population control? I mean the people that are left seem to be the poor and the minorities. Who cares about them? Right? They dont have water! Its a city on a river and by the ocean and they dont have water. Eerily prophetic words were never writ ... 'water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.' Spooky.
And dont get me wrong, I think its a great thing that we are able as a country to help those in need of help in a matter of hours. But cant we take care of our own first and formost? If we dont take care of our own citizens and we are expected to be the ones that are to be the shining example, shouldnt we show that we can handle our own issues immediately and without hesitation? Isnt that what we are supposedly fighting for in Iraq? So that they can take care of themsleves? Anyone remember Bush Sr. saying that the Gulf war was not going to be the next Veitnam? How long ago was that? and yeah sure there was a break for a few years...... oh yeah that Clinton guy was in office. I didnt even mean to get on this line of thinking. But Good God man! People help in any way you can. The entire city of New Orleans is looking at being displaced for possibly a yr, and thats on a REAL possitive outlook. These people are going to be in our citys and towns. They will need work, they will need living space, and most of all they are going to need some help. Alot of them that stayed only have what they have on thier backs. If anything of thiers did happen to survive the storm they will probably never know. Have you ever had to start over from scratch? I have on several occassions, mostly by choice. Its not pretty, I can only immagine 10s of 1000s of people having to do it at the same time.
Sorry for the long winded pointless rant. I just had to say something. It really makes me mad though. Some people have the arrogance to go about talking like we are the harbringers of good will, yet turn a blind eye to our own citizens in thier time of need.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
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